Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Study On Sexism In Mexico

A Study On Sexism In Mexico The Machismo, how is it called in Mexico and latinamercia is a set of beliefs claiming that real or alleged differences between women and men establishing the superiority of one sex over the other. Also known as discrimination or devaluation based on a persons sex, as in restricted job opportunities; especially, such discrimination directed against women Mexican society in general has been classified in the past as a male-dominated society in which women did not have the same rights as men to be categorized by their sex. In the year of 1953 was the first time in Mexico that women could exercise their vote in the elections, only a few years ago in our country, women did not work and just took care of the housework, was battered and bruised, in most cases the authority ignore the abuses of force by the male. 57 years ago women voted for the first time in elections and in this short spam of time we have seen dramatic changes in the thinking of society, although there are still so many people that have the same ideology that years ago. According to the First National Survey on Discrimination say that one in five Mexicans believe that it is natural to prohibit more things to women than to men, one in three believe that it is normal that men earn more than women, and almost one in ten Mexicans agree that women are raped because they provoke men. In addition, one in five women believes that women themselves are responsible for discrimination against them As we can see in these Survey, even if the ideology or mentality has changed over the decades we can notice that there are still a huge percentage of the population that still discriminate women It seems that in 2012, gender equality in society is already a thing of the past. Although macho culture is still dominating society as we can see in the survey, it is hard to believe these results, when it is said that in Mexico is making progress on issues of discrimination and gender inequality. When looking at the results of this poll. I think Machismo/Sexism in Mexico would be very difficult to remove if we dont change the way of thinking directly from our homes to treat in the same way boys and girls, so we finish the custom that has been inculcated from generation to generation and has been the first reason that made Mexico a Sexism Society. It is very disappointing to find these results and know that many men feel that women are inferior and deserve different treatment. because as can be seen the man is still seen as the work figure, while the woman is still seen as the one that have to care and raise children and do all the housework. The aim of this work is to find a better way to live along between men and women which lies not only in respect but also in equality, although the society has evolved there are still traces of discrimination against women. This paper will release how Sexism against women affects the society, touching the theme of gender roles as well as the consequences of this. The Sexism/Machismo traditionally has been associated with subordination of family roles and favor and welfare to men, therefore it is deemed to assign less tiring work for men, because they are the breadwinners of the house. A part of Sexism is the use of some type of systematic violence against women in order to maintain an emotional or psychological control on them, further it punished any feminine behavior (some examples as: Men dont cry, men cannot express their feelings, etc) in a men and from these mentality is the base of Homophobia, the worst punishment a sexist could receive is to have a gay familiar, because it demonstrate that their blood and family name is weak and from these idea the discrimination against homosexuals is huge. Sexism has been an element of social control and sexist exploitation in many cultures. Some factors that have contributed to its survival and continuity -Discriminatory laws against women. -Treatment difference in the case of adultery: -In some cultures adultery and pregnancy before marriage is punished with death. -Permission from male for economic activities -Denial of right to vote or other civil -Sexist education in school and home Religious discrimination in different religions all over the world as example of some are in Muslim countries predominated as the old Taliban regime of Afghanistan, in certain branches of Christianity as Mormonism, in the orthodox Jews, Hinduism, etc. Sexist division of labor, whereby men prefer other men in decision making jobs position (originally the sexist division was based on the difference in physical capacity and muscular), in which men had comparative advantage. However in modern technological societies force is irrelevant, being more important intellectual abilities and social skills. It also refers to a payment of lower wages to women than men in exchange of the same work. Now at days rarely we heard stories of men who do not allow their wives or daughters to study or work. Almost 40% of women of working age are in employment, the number of students enrolled in colleges and universities is divided equally between the sexes, Women are increasingly aware of their rights and demand equal treatment in the workplace and in politics. Under these conditions, Machismo has mutated. Today is based more on control and psychological coercion or discrimination in physical restraints. In a sense, machismo has gone underground. Deeply buried in our daily habits, is almost invisible in the educated or high classes, invisible but always present. It is possible that in many areas women are consider as equal to men. In Mexico, women do not own their time. When they go out, spend money, see their friends, they are still expected to tell with detail their schedule of their daily activities to their Parents, brothers, boyfriends and husbands, but men do not accept to be asked. At home, men can say Do not bother me, Im watching TV, but women do not, because they are supposed to be available night and day for her husband and children. These double standards are now a pillar of machismo. Surveys show that men are willing to go to the supermarket or children take over for a while, but refuse to iron, sew, cut vegetables or clean the oven or bathroom, because these tasks are considered unmanly. The men help, but within rigidly defined parameters. This division of labor in all areas of life means that both men and women are still surprisingly inept for the tasks assigned to the opposite sex. We can see educated and successful men who dont know how to make a cup of coffee and professional women who have no idea about how to change a fuse. So machismo creates people with only half of the Conclusion to end of Sexism/Machismo. Share the work that has traditionally been considered womens work. Challenge the notion to both men and women that boys are by nature aggressive and violent. Stand firm that it is only hard conditioning that makes anyone act this way. Stand firm that boys are just like girls, and girls as boys Encourage men to feel and express all our feelings. Mens largest conditioning comes from being forced to act like we have no feelings (like Big boys dont cry, Youre acting like a girl ). This conditioning is what eventually makes men take on all of the inhuman roles we are expected to play in society. Support womens leadership. Model non-sexist behavior everywhere. Tell and show men and women that eliminating sexism is a primary focus in your life. The presence of sexism in society is hurtful to everyone, not just women. Its elimination will enhance every human beings life. Educate the new generations with the idea that boys and girls are equal with the same rights and responsibilities, and are able or capable to do anything.

Saturday, January 18, 2020


Diarrhea is abnormally frequent and watery bowel movements. It is one of the most common bodily disturbances. Diarrhea may be a mild symptom of some more serious condition, such as tumor of the bowel (intestine), or may be the chief symptom of an infection in the bowel caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. In addition, diarrhea may be caused by improperly prepared or spoiled foods, by contaminated water, by certain chemicals, by irritation or inflammation of the lining of the intestines, or be generalized diseases that do no involve the bowel primarily (Stone, et al.112-113).Diarrhea varies from a slight inconvenience lasting a day or two to a grave illness. The most severe form of diarrhea is found in persons suffering from cholera. Consequences of diarrhea are loss of electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium; dehydration; and, in severe cases, heart failure. Diarrhea is a leading cause of death in infants. Treatment of diarrhea is directed towards eliminating the cause, when the cause is known. Drugs such as paregoric may be used to decrease the irritability of the bowel.The patient may be given extra fluid, injected directly into his veins (Wolfe 34-36), to make up for fluids lost through the bowel. Furthermore, diseases of the digestive system are essentially of two types, infections and intoxications. An infection occurs when a pathogen enters the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and multiplies. Microorganisms can penetrate into the intestinal mucosa and grow there or can pass through to other systematic organs.Infections are characterized by a delay in the appearance of gastrointestinal disturbance while the pathogen increases in numbers or effects invaded tissue (Wolfe 34-36). There is also usually a fever, one of the body’s general responses to an infective organism. Some pathogens cause disease by elaborating toxins that affect the GI tract. Intoxication is caused by ingestions o such a performed toxin. Most intoxications, such as that caused by Staphylococcus aureus, are characterized by a very sudden appearance (usually in only a few hours) of symptoms of a GI disturbance.Fever is less often one of the symptoms (Stone, et al. 112-113). Both infections and intoxications often cause diarrhea, which most of us have experienced. Severe diarrhea, accompanied by blood or mucus, is called dysentery. Both types of digestive system diseases are also frequently accompanied by abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting (see http://digestive-disorders. health-cares. net/diarrhea. php). The general term gastroenteritis is applied to diseases causing inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa (Stone, et al.112-113).Botulism is a special case of intoxication because the ingestion of the performed toxin affects the nervous system rather than the GI tract. In the developing countries, diarrhea is a major factor in infant mortality. Approximately one in every ten children dies of it before the age of five. It also affects the absorpt ion of nutrients from their food and adversely affects the growth of the survivors. The cause of diarrhea may be any of several organisms.Most are not identified, but surveys in such countries as Bangladesh indicate that the three most common causes are enterotoxigenic E. coli, Shigella spp. , and intestinal rotaviruses. It is estimated that mortality from childhood diarrhea could be halved by oral rehydration therapy (Stone, et al. 112-113). Ideally, this is a solution of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate. However, even a solution of a handful of table sugar and a pinch of salt in a liter of water has proved to be a very useful treatment for diarrheal diseases. Reference: What is diarrhea? your fitness guides. Stone, J., et al. (1999).Clinical gerontological nursing, pp. 112-113 (3rd edition) Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders. Wolfe, M (Ed.) 2000. Therapy of digestive disorders. Pp. 34-36. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Wearable Computer

Ever since the development of the ENIGMA (the first digital computer), computers have inspired our imagination. In this period came the World War II code breaking machine designed by Alan Turing, and Von Neuman’s ENIAC which can be called dinosaurs compared to present day PCs. In the earlier days, computers were so huge that it took an entire building, or at least a floor to occupy one. Computers of that era were very slow by today’s standards.In the non-ending struggle to increase computing speed, it was found out that speed of electricity might become a limiting factor in the speed of computation, and so it was a need to lessen the distance that electricity had to travel in order to increase the computing speed. This idea still holds true in modern computing. By the 1970s, computers grew fast enough to process an average user’s applications. But, they continued to occupy considerable amount of space as they were made of solid blocks of iron.The input was done b y means of punch cards, and later came the keyboard, which revolutionalized the market. In 1971 came the 4004, a computer that was finally small in size. The programmability of these systems were quite less. Still, computers had to be plugged directly in to AC outlets, and input and output done by punch cards. These computers were not built keeping users in mind. In fact, the user had to adjust himself with the computer. This was the time when wearable computer (wearcomp) was born.In the 1970s, wearcomp challenged the other PCs with its capability to run on batteries. Wearcomps were a new vision of how computing should be done. Wearable computing showed that man and machine were no more separate concepts, but rather a symbiosis. The wearcomps could become a true extension of one’s mind and body. 1. 1. Definition of â€Å"Wearable Computer† Wearable computing facilitates a new form of human-computer interaction comprising a small body-worn computer that is always on and always ready and accessible.In this regard, the new computational framework differs from that of hand held devices, laptop computers and personal digital assistants (PDAs). The â€Å"always ready† capability leads to a new form of synergy between human and computer, characterized by long-term adaptation through constancy of user-interface. 1. 2. What is a Wearable Computer? A wearable computer is a computer that is engulfed into the personal space of a user, controlled by the user, and has both operational and interact ional constancy.Most notably, it is a device that is always with the user, and into which the user can always enter commands, and execute a set of such entered commands, and in which the user can do so while walking around or doing other activities. i. e. The wearcomp is a intertwined computer. Unlike wristwatches, regular eyeglasses, wearable radios, etc. the wearcomps are reconfigurable as the regular desktop PCs. Wearable computing can be defined in terms o f its three basic modes of operation and its six fundamental attributes.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Analysis of Ethical Dilemma - 1261 Words

Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Grand Canyon University NRS-437V Ethical Decision Making in Health Care Analysis of Ethical Dilemma Natural calamities are unpredictable phenomena’s where the damage may be countless and immeasurable examples of natural calamities are earthquakes, floods and famine. In situations like this relief operations are challenging even though many organizations and nations extend their resources to overcome the disaster. We often face issues and concerns in a massive disaster which may lead to ethical-dilemma and criticism. When we analyze disaster situation ethical concerns arises. Here I would like to present the ethical dilemma involved in the rescue operations in Haiti disaster and analysis of the†¦show more content†¦The ethical principles of beneficence and justice applied in this scenario. According to the principle of beneficence the health care workers were trying their best to provide care to as many as people possible. The ethical principle of distributive justice emphasis on fair and equitable distribution of goods and services (Burkhardt Nathaniel, 2008), but in certain situations it is impossible for all people to have everything that they might need. In such cases they can formulate and enforce policies for fair and equitable distribution of the available resources. Possible alternatives for resolving the problem I. Ask for more medical supplies from organizations like, World Health Organization, Red Cross et. II. Make arrangements to send patients who need more complex care to the nearest available medical centers or hospitals. III. Call for more volunteers to help there by reducing the cost and request for funds from charitable organizations. IV. Since geographically U. S. is the closest country, request for airlifting the patient to the nearby states hospitals for advanced care. V. Even though insurance can be a hindrance to accept the patients, U. S. Government can offer tax exemptions and grants for the accepting hospitals. VI. Airlift the patients to the accepting countries for advanced care. Examine and categorize the alternatives When we categorize theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Ethical Dilemmas Essay1091 Words   |  5 PagesAnalysis of Ethical Dilemmas Posthumous Conception Case Grand Canyon University By Isabel Tolento, RN January 20, 2013 Ethical implications arise when a situation deals with principles of morality and resolution is neither right nor wrong. Because of the stress and emotion ethical dilemmas present us with; steps have been recognized to help work through determination. 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